Real Estate. Quality Counts.

Real Estate. Quality Counts.

Quality. Its what defines our values. You want to find a suburb that offers great tasting cup of coffee? How about a school where students are encouraged to excel? Don’t forget to add amazing retail and hospitality. Fresh groceries? We got you covered. It all comes down to one word. Quality.

Cassimaty Property Group offers listings in the suburbs of Berwick, Narre Warren, and Beaconsfield. Good, clean, livable suburbs.

Lucky to have everything so close in a well organized community locale, so commuting time is saved and can be used for other lifestyle choices you value.

Yes location, location, location is important. Equal importance is time, time, and time. Have you ever thought about the commodity of time? The more you save the more efficient you become. Who has plenty of time these days.

Here is an example of suburb time saving efficiency. If you live in street “A” and have to drop the kids off at Street “B” how long will it take to get you there? Maybe 10 minutes. It might be 20, or 40 minutes if the distance is more.

Common sense says that the shorter the distance the less energy expenditure will take to get you there. If walking the energy is foot power, if car in horsepower. A little bit of planning beforehand goes a long way and is a potential big saver in minutes, and possibly hours.

Shorten the distance to travel, save time and energy, keep the expenditure at a minimum, and create multiple wins for yourself. Win, win, win. That is what life is all about.

Real property adds value to your values. What you consider valuable in life is important. It is what makes you unique.

Lets talk about students and their future. To be educated is to draw out the best from oneself. When studying a subject the application of ones drawing out of inner resources toward the topic to be studied is what leads to mastery and skill.

By discovering the gifts and talents of the student they can then begin to align their aptitude towards the subject to be studied. This is called aligning towards your strengths. We all have strengths. Discovering what these are is an important part of life.

A natural inclination towards music is a great example of a yearning from the student to do more with the subject of music. This inner desire to be a better version of themselves leads the aspiring musician to want to expand their capacity for music.

There are many subjects at school worth studying. A great school education draws out the talents of the learner and expands their natural inclinations towards a subject.  The inner desire of the student to learn about music, or any scholastic topic, can be nurtured into a full fledged useful and working ability over time.

There are many school subjects worth pursuing. A great school education draws out the talents of the student and expands upon them.

Romance is about the affectionate interaction between two people. Being romantic involves sharing time and energy. This is where cafes and good local restaurants become useful.

Nothing better than having a coffee, or better still dinner, with that significant other.

Time shared over a meal gives one opportunity to talk and express oneself. Like a good house purchase a good restaurant leaves a pleasant taste in the mouth.

A great way to bring people together is over a simple yet enjoyable tasting coffee. Its one of the great pleasures in life and everyone knows Melbourne is a fantastic coffee tasting capital city. 

Cassimaty Property Group has the value of quality. Quality real estate agents, quality listings, and a quality property experience. After all when all the dust settles its quality that counts in the end.

© Cassimaty Property Group, 6 March 2025